How the Economic Downturn Is Affecting Fleet Managers

The nation’s economic downturn has trickled down to the fleet managers of the world. Fuel budgets are being lowered, and business seems to have almost come to a screeching halt for most trucking companies compared to what once was.

One third of fleet managers are losing staff, while only around 5% have seen their staff increase. This means you’re fleet managers are expected to do more with less. Programs are being rearranged for cost-saving ideas. Every decision is being dissected to make sure it is the right choice and best for the company’s bottom line.

Maybe the most important program for a fleet manager is their fuel program. What are the margins on your fleet fuel cards? Who’s making the decisions to where the drivers purchase their fuel? A fuel consultant could help solve this problem. Fleet management is a tough job. Fuel prices change every day, and the station that is the lowest one day, could be the highest the next day.

This is a pennies business and like Benjamin Franklin said, “A penny saved is a penny earned”. If you save a couple of pennies on each gallon your fleet’s savings will be tremendously increased. With an economy coming out of a depression, a fleet fuel program will help struggling companies weather the storm until a brighter economy comes along. With the right fuel planning, your company too can be successful.
