Cost vs. Savings

It never ceases to amaze me at how many companies say they can’t afford our service or take on any additional expense.

For some reason they cannot grasp the concept that our service, which is an effective fuel management program, will actually result in a healthier bottom line.

Sure when they pay our fee we do appear as an expense but much more than our fee is removed from their fuel expense as a direct result of the efforts of our expert fuel management staff. I am certain that many of these same corporate officers and fuel managers pay a fee to a financial adviser.

We know from the past recent history of the financial markets that in all likelihood their assets shrank and did not grow as they had hoped, but they still retained their advisers and paid their fee.

If a reputable company came to me and did an analysis of whatever I was doing and guaranteed that they would fatten my wallet for a nominal fee, I’m pretty certain I would jump at the opportunity. We never say we can save a company money unless we are certain we can.

Along with saving companies money, we are watching their back. To make sure they don’t have theft, fraud, performing fuel audits. Where else are you going to get all of this time and first class attention? Sokolis!

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